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Integral Sound Healing is a form of vibrational healing, using sound, intention and intuition which integrates modern science with the alchemy of healing, the music arts and ancient healing wisdom, to focus on treating the whole person and not just the symptoms one may be experiencing.
This is achieved by consciously applying processes
Integral Sound Healing is a form of vibrational healing, using sound, intention and intuition which integrates modern science with the alchemy of healing, the music arts and ancient healing wisdom, to focus on treating the whole person and not just the symptoms one may be experiencing.
This is achieved by consciously applying processes and techniques to facilitate healing based on the five elements
to restore balance and activate the body's natural healing abilities.
With the use of certain instruments and sounds, sound healing helps to alter our brainwave state through what is called entrainment.
Entrainment is when our fluctuating brainwaves are synchronized by providing a stable frequency which the brainwaves can attune to.
As sonic waves and vibrations penetrate down to the cellular level, certain r
With the use of certain instruments and sounds, sound healing helps to alter our brainwave state through what is called entrainment.
Entrainment is when our fluctuating brainwaves are synchronized by providing a stable frequency which the brainwaves can attune to.
As sonic waves and vibrations penetrate down to the cellular level, certain rhythms and frequencies can be used to entrain our brainwaves and shift them into a more relaxed state.
Sound is such a powerful form of healing and can affect all aspects of ones being. As sonic waves and vibrations penetrate down to a cellular level, sound can relax the body, nerve plexuses, muscles and tissues and promotes blood and lymph circulation. These vibrations can help to dissolve trauma and even reset cells within the body bac
Sound is such a powerful form of healing and can affect all aspects of ones being. As sonic waves and vibrations penetrate down to a cellular level, sound can relax the body, nerve plexuses, muscles and tissues and promotes blood and lymph circulation. These vibrations can help to dissolve trauma and even reset cells within the body back to their natural patterns, allowing them to calm inflammation and relive pain.
Sound can also balance the autonomic nervous system which can calm the body and mind and revitalize fatigue.
As sound impacts Bio-Energy fields, it can influence our physical conditions, such as hormone imbalances, endocrine glands and organ function. The effects of sound are also experienced on an emotional level and can create an overall wellness within people. Furthermore, the impact on ones being at the spirit and soul level can create deep peace, acceptance and surrender into one’s true self. This can be absolutely life changing in so many ways.
I specialize in the beautiful art of Ka Huna Bodywork, which is a traditional Hawaiian style massage which uses a holistic approach to rejuvenating and healing the mind, body and soul.
Ka Huna Bodywork is different to the 'typical' massage, as the practitioner uses not just their hands, but their forearms and elbows whilst moving around
I specialize in the beautiful art of Ka Huna Bodywork, which is a traditional Hawaiian style massage which uses a holistic approach to rejuvenating and healing the mind, body and soul.
Ka Huna Bodywork is different to the 'typical' massage, as the practitioner uses not just their hands, but their forearms and elbows whilst moving around the table with flowing Tai Chi and Hula style movements.
This helps to create an even flow of energy through elongated movements across the body and gentle, yet effective stretching to create space within your body's fascia, helping to gently release tension and improve circulation, leaving you feeling absolutely relaxed and restored.
Other variations of Massage available are
A blissfully relaxing combination of Ka Huna/LomiLomi bodywork, with the use of heat therapy to penetrate deeper into the muscles whilst maintaining a calmness across the body without too much pressure.
A special nurturing massage for the mums-to-be. With the beautiful nurturing LomiLomi techniques and the gentle use of the Lava Shells, allow your beautiful body to relax and your muscles take a break, as you experience a beautiful hour of relaxation.
A beautiful combination of both Sound Healing and massage.
Experience the nurturing touch of Ka Huna Massage, followed by the purest of sound healing vibrations to relax your mind Body and Soul
Massage stimulates the touch, pressure and proprioceptive receptors in the skin, meaning the underlying tissues. In addition, nerve receptors and reflex reactors are being stimulated, which increases blood circulation and cell renewal. Massage therapy can stimulate the nervous system into producing hormones that have tremendous benefits
Massage stimulates the touch, pressure and proprioceptive receptors in the skin, meaning the underlying tissues. In addition, nerve receptors and reflex reactors are being stimulated, which increases blood circulation and cell renewal. Massage therapy can stimulate the nervous system into producing hormones that have tremendous benefits for the entire body, while at the same time reducing the levels of unwanted or out of balance levels of chemicals that can have a negative effect on us.
We have all heard of the biochemical substance called dopamine, which influences mood. Low levels of dopamine can cause clumsiness, inability to focus and a lack of motor control. Massage increases the available levels of dopamine, which explains the pleasure and satisfaction felt during a massage.
Regulating the mood in terms of emotions and calming, is regulated by serotonin levels. Low serotonin levels can impact depression, eating and compulsive disorders. During massage therapy, serotonin levels are stimulated and increased, improving overall mood and well-being.
Endorphins are produced by the body to reduce and regulate pain and well-being. Massage therapy increases the available levels of these natural chemicals which can promote healing, reduce swelling and speed up recovery. By stimulating the nervous system during a massage, the body releases more endorphins and in turn, prompts self-healing.
Known as the stress hormone, cortisol arouses the senses during a time of fear or adrenaline. High levels of cortisol are linked to stress-related symptoms and illnesses like anxiety, aggression and sleep deprivation. Massage therapy has been shown to reduce levels of cortisol, returning the body and mind to a more balanced state.
Massage therapy can not only feel great at the time of service but also have lasting positive effects on the body and mind. By stimulating the nervous system, you are able to alleviate stress, promote relaxation and prompt overall well-being.